NYC -- New York City
NO -- New Orleans
BR -- Britain
Confed -- Confederate States of America
FR -- France
NETH -- Netherlands
NW Terr -- Northwest Territory
SW Terr -- Southwest Territory
Terr -- Territory
TX Rep -- Texas Republic
US -- United States
W. Indies -- West Indies
Board of Ed -- Board of Education
BOB -- Bureau of Budget
Comm -- Committee
Cong -- Congress
Cont Cong -- Continental Congress
Ct -- Court
Ct App -- Court of Appeals
Dep -- Department
Dist Ct -- District Court
Exec council -- Executive Council
Gen assembly -- General Assembly
Gen ct -- General Court
Gov council -- Governor's Council or Governing Council
H of B -- House of Burgesses
leg or legis -- Legislature
Sup Ct -- Supreme Court
Sup exec -- Supreme Executive
Treas -- Treasurer
UN -- United Nations
Univ -- University
V Adm -- Vice Admiralty
W&M -- William & Mary College
Adm -- Admiral
Brig Gen -- Brigadier General
C-in-C Commander-in-Chief
Cmdr Naval Commander
Col -- Colonel
Comm -- Commander
Cpt -- Captain
Ens -- Ensign
Gen -- General
Lt Col -- Lieutenant Colonel
Lt Gen -- Lieutenant General
Lt -- Lieutenant
Maj Gen -- Major General
Maj -- Major
Sgt -- Sergeant
Vet -- Veteran
Bank -- Banker or Banking
CEO -- Chief Executive Officer
Co. -- Company
Corp. -- Corporation
Dr -- Doctor
Eng -- Engineer
Inc. -- Incorporated
Ins -- Insurance
Manuf -- Manufacturer
News Ed -- Newspaper Editor
Pres -- President
Publ -- Publisher
Rev -- Reverand
RR -- Railroad
ag. -- against
btw -- between
co. -- county
etc. -- et cetera
fr -- from
POW -- prisoner of war
Conf -- Confederate
Dem Rep -- Democrat Republican
Dem -- Democratic
Fed -- Federalist
Ind -- Independent
Loyal -- Loyalist
Nat Rep -- National Republican
Rep -- Republican
Rev -- Revolutionary
Act Gov -- Acting Governor
Adj Gen -- Adjutant General
Adv Gen -- Advocate General
Amb -- Ambassador
Articles of Assoc -- Articles of Association
Articles of Confed -- Articles of Confederation
Assist del -- Assistant Delegate
Assist -- Assistant
Att Gen -- Attorney General
Att -- Attorney
Aud -- Auditor
Aud Gen -- Auditor General
Cand -- Candidate
Chair -- Chairman
Charge -- Charge d'Affairs
Commiss -- commissioner
Comp gen -- comptroller general
Const Conv -- Constitutional Convention
Conv -- convention
Del -- Delegate
Dep Gov -- Deputy Governor
DI or Decl Ind -- Declaration of Independence
Diplo -- Diplomat
Dir -- Director
Env -- Envoy
Gov -- Governor
Lt Gov -- Lieutenant Governor
Mag -- Magistrate
Min -- Minister
MP -- British Member of Parliament
Pres -- President
Prov cong -- Provincial congress
Rec Gen -- Receivor General
Sec -- Secretary
Secess conv -- Secession Convention
SecInt -- Secretary of Interior
SecNavy -- Secretary of the Navy
SecState Secretary of State
SecTreas -- Secretary of Treasury
SecWar -- Secretary of War
Signer DI -- Signer of Declaration Sol Gen -- Solicitor General
Super -- Superintendant
VP -- Vice President
AK -- Alaska
AL -- Alabama
AR -- Arkansas
AZ -- Arizona
CA -- California
CO -- Colorado
CT -- Connecticut
DC -- District of Columbia
DE -- Delaware
FL -- Florida
GA -- Georgia
HA -- Hawaii
IA -- Iowa
ID -- Idaho
IL -- Illinois
IN -- Indiana
KS -- Kansas
KY -- Kentucky
LA -- Louisiana
MA -- Massachusetts
MD -- Maryland
ME -- Maine
MI -- Michigan
MN -- Minnesota
MO -- Missouri
MS -- Mississippi
MT -- Montana
NC -- North Carolina
ND -- North Dakota
NE -- Nebraska
New Eng -- New England Confederation
NH -- New Hampshire
NJ -- New Jersey
NM -- New Mexico
NV -- Nevada
NY -- New York
OH -- Ohio
OK -- Oklahoma
OR -- Oregon
PA -- Pennsylvania
PL -- Plymouth Colony
RI -- Rhode Island
SC -- South Carolina
SD -- South Dakota
TN -- Tennessee
TX -- Texas
UT -- Utah
VA -- Virginia
VT -- Vermont
WA -- Washington
WI -- Wisconsin
WV -- West Virginia
WY -- Wyoming
WWI -- World War One
WWII -- World War Two
Rev War -- American Revolutionary War
Mex-Am -- Mexican-American War
Sp-Am -- Spanish American War
Fr & Indian -- French & Indian War